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·         Ovarian cyst is a tumour of the ovaries ,many of which are benign,80% are classified as epithelial and include serous, mucinous, endometrial and mesonephroid lesions

Risk factors
·         Age Ovarian cyst increases in incidence ad age advances ,it common between 45and 60 years
·         Hormones estrogen and progesterone have been noted to be carcinogenic but appear to influence the process of   carcinogenesis
·         Inactivity
·         Obesity resulting from excessive intake of energy foods
·         Infectious agents commonly the viruses and bacteria as seen in STIs
·         There is no clearly known cause but multiple factors as mentioned above are said to trigger the onset of cancer

 Pathophysiology of Ovarian Cyst (35 minutes)

·         Benign cysts and tumors  develop from a variety of physiologic imbalances
·         Elevated  levels of luteinizing hormone may  cause hyper stimulation of the ovaries
·         Follicular cysts depend on  gonadotropin for growth and generally occur during the menstrual years and resolve spontaneously
·         Simple cysts commonly occur menopause
·         There is an increased rate of growth of cystic cells that interferes with normal functioning
·         Ovarian cysts are classified according to the cells they affect as follows:
·         Follicular cysts
  • Are the most common form of ovarian cysts which are usually multiple ,ranging in size from  a few millimeters to as large as 15cm in diameter
  • Depend on gonadotrophin for growth
  • Occur during menstrual years and usually resolve spontaneously
  • Many cause menstrual irregularities if blood estrogen gets elevated

·         Corpus luteum cysts
  • Less common variety
  • Associated with normal  ovarian function or elevated progesterone
  • Average diameter is 4cm
  • Appear purplish-red from bleeding within the corpus luteum
  • May cause delayed menstrual bleeding from progesterone secretion and hypermenorrhea is common

·         Theca-lutea cysts
  • Are the least common ,which are usually bilateral  and produce significant enlargement of the ovaries of up to 30cm in diameter
  • They develop from prolonged or excessive stimulation by gonadotropins
  • Associated with hydatidiform mole 50% of time and with chorio-carcinoma 10% of the time
·         Epithelial tumors
·         Serous tumors: Found in all age groups. can be extremely large, filling the pelvis or abdomen
·         Mucinous tumor: Occur in second and third decade of life, they can be bilateral and can reach spectacular size the largest form.
·         Endometrial tumors: Are small purplish blue lesions. They are large tumors called chocolate cysts because they contain a brownish fluid. They have a very low malignancy potential
·         Mesonephroid tumors: Usually multifocal, they involve peritoneal surfaces and may cause intestinal or urinary complications
They are characterized by papillary proliferation without mitotic activity

Signs and symptoms
·         Most of the ovarian cysts are asymptomatic for a long time and are discovered on routine medical examination.
·         The signs are unspecific such as menstrual irregularities  especially when there is hormonal imbalance exists
·         Dull, unilateral ,lower quadrant pain may occur as the cyst grows in size, but overt pain is unusual

 Diagnostic Procedures (10 minutes)

·         Palpation of the reproductive organs   during pelvic examination reveals a palpable mass or enlargement of the ovary, any  mass palpated in a postmenopausal woman  requires further investigation because ovaries normally atrophy after menopause
·         Ultrasonography is done to distinguish between functional and neoplastic cysts
·         CT scan capable of distinguishing  solid tumors ,cysts and ascites is done
·         Laparoscopy is done to confirm the diagnosis

Treatments and Nursing Care (45 minutes)

·         Oral contraceptives are prescribed to shrink the cyst
·         Symptomatic medicines ,analgesics are given to reduce the pain and discomfort
Surgical treatments:
·         Surgery is recommended only when the cyst is bigger than 8cm,or occurs after menopause or before puberty.
·         Cystectomy is done to remove the cyst

·         Pre-operative care:
  • Give clear explanation of what is to done to the patient so that she understands
  • Laboratory investigations of blood  for Hgb ,are done to ensure fitness of the patient for the operation
  • Patient signs a consent form after she has understood and accepted to have the operation
  • Patient fasts  6-8 hours before the operation
  • Label the patient properly (name ward from, operation and site
  • Check and record vital signs the morning before the patient is sent to theatre
  • Escort the patient to theatre and hand her to the theatre nurse
·         Post operative care
  • Receive the patient and make sure she is safe
  • Check and record the vital signs
  • Observe the wound and note its safety
  • Administer prescribed medications like strong analgesics  to reduce pain

 Complications of Ovarian Cyst

·         May turn to be a malignant tumor
·         Infertility
·         Tubal obstruction from tumor extension.

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