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Uterus and ovaries, organs of female reproductive system - stock vector

·         Cancer of the uterus is an abnormal over growth resulting from excessive proliferation of abnormal extra and useless cells in tissues forming the uterus.
·         It may affect the muscles(myometrial cancer) or, the innerlaye (endometrium).
·         Cancer of the endometrium is the most common gynaecologic cancer which is highly curableand primarily affects women over 50 years of age.
·         It is the fourth most common cancer in women

Risk factors
·         Many factors have been identified  and include :
·         Age: commonest after the age of 50 years
·         Obesity
·         Nulliparity
·         Late menopause (after 52 years)
·         Diabetes melliuts

Step 3:  Pathophysiology of Cancer of the Uterus (25 Minutes)

·         Uterine hyperplasia differs to some extent from dysplasia  of the cervix in that some  lesions revert to normal and some persist as hyperplasia and a few progress to endometrial adenocarcinoma
·         This cancer is an excellent example of estrogen dependant cancer
·         The pathophysiology involves  overgrowth of the endometrium or myometrium  in response to an estrogen –dominant hormonal environment
Signs and Symptoms
·         Abnormal uterine bleeding is the most common symptom
·         Purulent, blood stained vaginal discharge
·         Anemia as a result of prolonged bleeding

 Stages of endometrial cancer
·         STAGE  1  Confined to corpus
·         STAGE 2  Involves  the corpus and cervix
·         STAGE 3  Extends outside but not outside the pelvis(vaginal but not bladder or rectum)
·         STAGE 4  Involves bladder,rectum,or tissue outside the pelvis

Step 4   Diagnostic Procedures( 15 minutes)
·         Patients complaints
·         Clinical features presented by the patient
·         Patients history of prolonged uterine bleeding
·         Laboratory tests of endometrial tissue (biopsy)or fluid obtained by endometrial aspiration,endometrial washings and through dilatation and curettage ,Pap test

Step 5 Treatments and Nursing Management of Patients with cancer of the Uterus (45 minutes)

·         Cancer of the uterus is a slow-growing cancer and is very responsive to treatment if detected early
·         It is treated  according to its stage
·         Medical treatment involves the use of hormones in patients with  advanced disease has not proved successful
·         The most common treatment is simple is hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy after which if the cancer is limited to the uterus only, no further treatment is needed.
·         The only exception is to those patients with a poorly differentiated ,deeply invasive cancer in which radiation can prevent further local and distant recurrence(in all other incidences radiation does not appear to be of benefit)
Pre-operative care
·         Give a clear explanation of the patient about the procedure so that she understands and cooperates
·         Patient signs a consent form
·         Laboratory tests are done to determine the patients fitness for the operation
·         The patient fasts 6-8 hours before the operation
·         Check and record vital signs

Post operative care
·         Receive the patient from theatre
·         Check and record the vital signs
·         Assess the patient to note the condition of the wound
·         Assist the patient with cleanliness
·         Assist the patient with feeding and elimination activities

Step 6:  Complicatons of Cancer of the Uterus (10 minutes)

·         Anaemia associated with prolonged uterine bleeding
·         Infertility
·         Metastasis of cancer to other organs

·         Emotional depression
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